The IS_MIRRI21 partner, Institut Pasteur (IP), organised and broadcasted this workshop to communicate to Liaison Officers and other IS_MIRRI21 members, the policies and procedures needed for the implementation of the Transnational Access pilot programme in the two calls planned for 2021 and 2022. A total of 40 people were connected during the 2 days of the workshop. The discussion focused on the guidelines and documents generated by the Access Officer, Liliana Avila-Ospina from Institut Pasteur and the activities coordinated by WP4, WP2 and WP7 such as the design of the TNA workflows, communication activities and creation of the TNA online portal. We also had the opportunity to learn first-hand experiences about the management of TNA programmes and RI access platforms from our collaborators Ana Helman – CatRIS and Davide DiCioccio – EMBRC-ERIC. A special session to discuss the challenges related to the TNA costs involved the participation of Maëlle Pichard and Valeria Martin from the IP grant office.
Publisher: Mery Piña/Deputy director of the CRBIP and Liliana Avila-Ospina/Access officer – IS_MIRRI21 project at the Institut Pasteur.