IS_MIRRI21 won a place to join 39 other international projects to engage children, citizens and stakeholders at the Science is Wonderful online 2020 event from 22-24 September. As part of the European Research and Innovation Days, IS_MIRRI21 aimed to encourage and contribute to science communication and education of publics, with a special focus on citizens and stakeholders. As part of its objective to improve scientific knowledge and hard-core skills among its various stakeholders, the project partners – Universidad do Minho, Institut Pasteur, Universita Degli Studi Di Torino and Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, came together to develop an educational video entitled ‘Superbugs and amazing microbes’ about microorganisms and their effects on humans and the environment. IS_MIRRI21 held nine live presentations via Zoom which were accessible through the virtual booth of IS_MIRRI21 on the platform of the Science is Wonderful. Throughout the three days of the event, the partners and collaborators of IS_MIRRI21 conversed with many target audiences about the project’s vision and activities from the stance of the virtual booth. The event showed great level of creativity and encouragement toward public engagement and science education! As a European project with the aim of driving scientific progress internationally, IS_MIRRI21 looks forward to contributing to science communication and education of publics in the successive events with such foundation!
Publisher: IS_MIRRI21 communications team