On 24 March 2021, the new MIRRI website (www.mirri.org) was launched, creating a Collaborative Working Environment (CWE) that facilitates interaction among MIRRI partners and users from various stakeholder communities, boosting the possibilities to share knowledge, exchange experience and collaborate to achieve common goals in research and development. The CWE presents a forum to bring together partners and users from various communities, scientific areas and industry stakeholders.
Through the CWE, MIRRI provides:
- Unique entry point to the broadest catalogue of microbial resources, advanced services and education & training microbial-related offer in Europe
- Access to state-of-the-art facilities and tailor-made services and pipelines, going from bioprospection to validation of functional properties, through Transnational Access Programmes
- Access to the largest datasets associated with microbial resources in Europe, embedded in the EOSC and following FAIR principles
- Access to a wide selection of experts in different topics related with the use of microbial resources
- Access to training courses and e-learning webinars covering different aspects on the use of microbial resources, targeted to mBRC users
- Access to official academic schemes, different learning materials and workshops to train mBRC and Culture Collection professionals
- Access to digital content to increase the knowledge about microbes in the society, adapted to different audiences (schools, policy makers, broad audience)
All these elements are being implemented on the frame of the IS_MIRRI21 project, so the website is being updated as the CWE construction progresses, offering new services as well as pieces of information.
Have innovative ideas?
Contact us at info@mirri.org. We welcome your suggestions to improve our MIRRI CWE!