University of Torino (UNITO) and IS_MIRRI21 join the Scientific Degree Plan 2020-21 (PLS) to promote the acquisition of scientific skills that better meet the challenges of contemporary society and the expectations of the world of work by students.
The PLS (Piano Lauree Scientifiche) represents a consolidated initiative to promote the acquisition of scientific skills that better meet the challenges of contemporary society and the expectations of the world of work by students and to strengthen the impact of training on society. The actions aim to: a) systematize the practice of the “laboratory” for the teaching of basic sciences, in particular for the training orientation of female students and students of the last three years of secondary school; b) open new experimentations in schools and universities of didactic activities aimed at improving the preparation of students in relation to the knowledge required for entry to scientific degree courses; c) consolidate, develop and systematize the opportunities for professional growth of teachers of scientific subjects in service in the upper secondary school; and d) reduce the dropout rate between the first and second year during university studies through the innovation of teaching tools and methodologies.
Mycotheca Universitatis Taurinensis (MUT) will organize a series of seminars at various high schools in Turin (Italy) and its province to better raise awareness of microorganisms and their potential to face some of the great challenges of contemporary society. The seminars are conducted in Italian and the activities are organized into 3 main topics:
- Microorganisms around us;
- Microorganisms in the great societal challenges; and
- Microorganisms as pivotal tools in environmental bioremediation.
Publisher: UNITO