Objective 1
Implement MIRRI´s organisational framework and set up its operative and quality procedures and standards;
Objective 2
Conceive MIRRI´s services (workflows) based on partners´ complementary expertise and genetic resources, and set-up and test these through transnational access (TNA) provision to different user groups;
Objective 3
Set up a single-entry point portal CWE (Collaborative Work Environmental) to promote MIRRI, its services, resources, expertise and knowledge transfer activities, as well as to provide access to partners´ resource associated data made interoperable for data searching and data mining;
Objective 4
Increase knowledge transfer to users via expert clusters (i.e. for legal framework, to support training and education programmes, Information and Technology, etc.);
Objective 5
Enlarge MIRRI´s member countries, including collaboration with third countries and international organisations, with the user communities (academia, bioindustries, and other stakeholders) and synergies with other Biological and Medical Research Infrastructures (BMS-RIs) and coordinated initiatives as CORBEL;
Objective 6
Develop models and plans to underpin MIRRI´s financial sustainability; and
Objective 7
Maximise MIRRI´s visibility among potential users, depositors, country governments across Europe and beyond its borders.