Applications for the 2nd Transnational Access Call (TNA) are still OPEN, submit your proposal until May 15th, 2022!
The TNA programme provides free-of-charge access to facilities, a wide-range of microbial resources and services that our IS_MIRRI21 partners have made available for the scientific community. The TNA online portal is available with full details on the eligibility, access providers, submission and reporting rules and guides, and how to apply.
On Wednesday, 23rd March 2022 11h30 CET we will hold a live webinar with the Access officer and the 9 IS_MIRRI21 partners participating to the ongoing call. After a brief presentation outlining the goals of the IS_MIRRI21 TNA programme, we will explain everything you need to know about the 2nd TNA Call (eligibility, application procedure, current TNA offer, modalities of access, etc.). If you have any concern or doubt regarding your proposal, this webinar is the perfect opportunity for you to get all your questions answered!